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How Can I Stop My Prolapse From Getting Worse?

Want To Stop Your Prolapse From Getting Worse? Read More!

Rectal prolapse befalls when portion or the entire wall of the rectum glides out of place, at times spiking out of the anus. There are three varieties of rectal prolapse:

  • Partial prolapse (also titled mucosal prolapse). The lining (mucous membrane) of the rectum slips out of place and generally rods out of the anus. This can ensue when you strain to have a bowel movement. Partial prolapse is most common in kids younger than 2 years.
  • Complete prolapse. The complete wall of the rectum glides out of place and customarily branches out of the anus. In the beginning, this might ensue only during bowel movements. Ultimately, it might befall when you stand or walk. And in some circumstances, the prolapsed tissue might remain outside your body permanently.
  • Internal prolapse (intussusception). One portion of the wall of the large intestine (colon) or rectum might slither into or over another part, like the folding chunks of a toy telescope. The rectum does not thrust out of the anus. Intussusception is most common in kids and seldom affects adults.

If you ask how can I stop my prolapse from getting worse, home treatment for adults might help treat the prolapse and might be tried before other kinds of treatments.

  • If your doctor says it is okay, you can shove the prolapse into place.
  • Avoid constipation. Drink lots of water and eat fruits, vegetables, and other diets that encompass fiber. Alterations in diet often are adequate to improve or reverse a prolapse of the lining of the rectum (partial prolapse).
  • Do Kegel workouts to help fortify the muscles of the pelvic region.
  • Don’t pressurize while having a bowel movement.
How Can I Stop My Prolapse From Getting Worse?

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