Learn Can Rectal Prolapse Be A Sign Of Cancer?
Rectal prolapse is a medical ailment in which the rectum begins to rush through the anus. Females over 50 are six times more likely than males to have this ailment. It is often doubted when the problem is essentially a serious case of hemorrhoids. Rectal prolapse can range from mild to severe. If you ask can rectal prolapse be a sign of cancer, the answer would be rectal prolapse as the preliminary clinical manifestation of colorectal cancer is rare. Some studies recommend that rectal prolapse can present as the initial symptom of colorectal cancer and may also be a presenting feature of the occult intra-abdominal pathology. The prominence of sufficient analysis such as colonoscopy should be highlighted in patients who develop a new beginning of rectal prolapse.
The reason of rectal prolapse is complex. Most likely it befalls when the pelvic muscles become feeble and the colon above becomes terminated, thus sanctioning the rectum to shrivel on itself. This leads to a protuberance of the rectum via the anus. Most commonly this transpires after having a bowel movement and is straightforwardly reduced either naturally or with mild pressure. Along with the evident prolapse via the rectum, some patients can struggle with internal prolapse. These patients can have rectal bleeding or findings of internal prolapse (also named intussusception) on a screening colonoscopy. Every so often these patients have constipation. This condition is most common in ageing females but befalls in patients of all ages and sex.