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A rectal prolapse is when portion of your rectum branches out through your anus (back passage) to form a lump. The rectum is the last portion of your bowel. You might notice the rectal prolapse when you are having a bowel movement. However, it can also ensue when you cough or sneeze, or even when you are performing routine activities, such as walking or standing up. Having a rectal prolapse can be uncomfortable and it might affect your everyday life. You might feel self-conscious about it, but it is imperative to see a doctor.

Causes of rectal prolapse

Doctors don’t completely comprehend why some individuals get a rectal prolapse. It is often related to feeble muscles in your pelvis. Anything that upsurges the pressure inside your belly can upsurge your risk of getting a rectal prolapse. This embraces:

  • constipation and/or straining when you have a bowel movement
  • pregnancy
  • diarrhoea
  • situations that make you cough enormously such as cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or hollering cough

Rectal prolapse is also seldom related to neurological (nerve) conditions, including:

  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • lumbar (low back) disc ailment
  • an injury to your lower back or pelvis
  • spinal tumors

Is rectal prolapse painful?

Rectal prolapse causes a lump to poke out of your back passage (anus) and this can become moderately painful. Although the lump can pop in and out initially, afterward it can stay out continually, particularly when you stand up. This can cause complications with everyday activities that encompass walking or standing for any length of time.

Is Rectal Prolapse Painful? Learn Why it is Caused!

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