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Can Rectal Prolapse Heal Without Surgery

Rectal prolapse is a medical ailment that occurs when the rectum pushes through the anus. The anus is the orifice through which excrement escapes your body, while the rectum is the final section of your large intestine.

Rectal prolapse affects around 2.5 persons in every 100,000. This illness affects six times more women than males over the age of 50. Rectal prolapse is often assumed, although the condition is really severe haemorrhoids.

Rectal prolapse is a condition that may vary from minor to severe. In many circumstances, mild cases may be handled without surgery. Surgery may be required in severe situations.

Rectal prolapse comes in a variety of forms.

Rectal prolapse may be classified into three categories. The movement of the rectum identifies the type:

  • Prolapse of the internal organs. The rectum begins to descend but does not yet pass into the anus.
  • There is a partial prolapse. The anus has only migrated a portion of the rectum.
  • There is a complete prolapse. Through the anus, the whole rectum extends.


Rectal prolapse symptoms usually appear gradually. The sensation of a protrusion in your anus is the first sign you’ll notice. You can feel as though you’re sitting on a ball.

You may be able to see a reddish-colored protrusion showing through or extending out of your anus in a mirror.

Occasionally, a little portion of the rectum may protrude during a bowel movement, but it will either withdraw on its own or be easily pulled back into place.

Walking, sitting, and exercising may all cause portion of your rectum to push into your anus. It may be manually restored to its rightful spot at first.

If the rectal prolapse progresses, there may be bleeding from the rectum’s inner lining. You may have problems managing liquid or solid bowel motions as well as gas from your rectum if you have partial or total prolapse.

Chronic constipation affects 30 to 67 percent of persons with rectal prolapse, whereas diarrhoea affects around 15%.

Can Rectal Prolapse Heal Without Surgery?

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