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herbal medicine for rectal prolapse

The rectum protrudes beyond the anus in a condition known as rectal prolapse. The origins of this illness may be seen in ancient Ayurvedic texts like as Susruta Samhita, Ebers Pappyrus from 1500 B.C., and others.

The specific aetiology of rectal prolapse is unknown, however it is more common in women and in those who have constipation, have had prior anorectal procedures, and so on. Rectal prolapse, both partial and total, is exceedingly distressing due to the pain of the prolapsing mass as well as a range of symptoms such as rectal haemorrhage, intermittent constipation, and faecal incontinence.

Despite the fact that there are several modalities for surgical care of rectal prolapse, there is no single best method, and the best operation is decided by the patient’s age, sex, degree of incontinence, operational risk, and surgeon’s expertise. Guda Bhramsa (Rectal prolapse) is discussed in Ayurveda by Acharya Susruta under Kshudra Rogas (chapter of minor disorders) and its conservative care is eloquently elucidated by Acharya Susruta. A female with partial rectal prolapse was treated with Kshara and managed without problems in this instance. As a result, Kshara application may be a safe and effective option for rectal prolapse control.

What Do We Know About Herbal Medicine For Rectal Prolapse?

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