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Rectal prolapse happens when the rectum falls and comes through the anal opening. A prolapse can be partial or complete. The precise cause of this dreaded disease is indistinct.

Natural Treatment for Rectal Prolapse

Treating the underlying reasons of rectal prolapse generally cures the problem. In otherwise healthy elderly patients who have recurrent rectal prolapse, surgery is occasionally used to repair physical complications that make prolapse more likely to happen. However, the operation can lead to scar tissue and adhesions, which can narrow the rectal canal (anal stenosis) and hinder with the rectal and pelvic muscles relaxing during a bowel movement. These two glitches can then cause trouble having a bowel movement, or lead to hemorrhoids or rectal or anal fissures (tears) from recurrent straining. If this has already happened to you, you can decide on effective natural treatment like herbal medications.

High-fiber Diet for Rectal Prolapse

A diet that integrates foods high in fiber, such as wheat bran helps inhibit constipation and might help to decrease incidence of rectal prolapse. But, be cautious to add fiber to your diet leisurely. It takes a while for your digestive system to adapt to augmented amounts of fiber. Here are some simple ways to add fiber to your diet:

  • Select whole-grain bread instead of white bread.
  • Eat at least 5 servings of fruits or veggies every day.
  • Eat the skins of fruits and veggies such as apples and potatoes.


Also, drink ample water since it helps keep stools soft.

Natural and Dietary Approaches to Handle a Patient of Rectal Prolapse

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