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How to successfully reduce rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse befalls when the tissue that lines the rectum drops down into or poles out of the anal opening. Rectal prolapse can begin bulging only during bowel movements; then it might obtrude during sneezes or other abdominal retrenchments; then progress to bulging during activities like walking and ultimately reach chronic protrusion, where the rectum fails to withdraw at all. If your rectum has prolapsed, you will chiefly see a pink or reddish-colored mass of tissue spiking out from the opening of the anus, particularly after a bowel movement. The lining of the rectal tissue might be visible and might bleed marginally.

How to reduce rectal prolapse?

If you or your kid has a rectal prolapse, you might be able to push the prolapse back into place as soon as it befalls. Your doctor will let you know if this is acceptable to do.

For a child

  • Put on latex gloves and put greasing jelly on your finger.
  • Mildly slide back any tissue that has come out of the anus.
  • Apply an ice pack to help decline swelling. Make sure to keep a moist cloth between your kid’s skin and the ice pack so that the cold doesn’t impair the skin.

For yourself

  • Put on latex gloves and put lubricating gel on your finger. Or get a soft, warm, damp cloth.
  • Stand with your chest pushed as close to your thighs as you can.
  • Mildly push back any tissue that has come out of the anus.

Apply an ice pack to help reduce swelling.

How To Reduce Rectal Prolapse

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